搜索 Claudia

  • 流星的启示DVD
    一个巨大的陨石进入地球轨道并开始逐渐瓦解,它的碎片像淋浴一样洒向地球。  In this End Times thriller, a gigantic meteors enters Earth's orbit and begins to disintegrate, showering the entire planet with debris..
  • 祖母的生日HD
    A family gathering at the usual Hacienda brings astonishing events around the grandmother's birthday.
  • 菲丽希缇HD
  • 鲸之歌HD
  •   A Woman's Struggle to Find the Whereabouts of her Missing Sister. This Will Have to Fight Against the Negligence of the Institutions, The Prejudices of Loneliness and The Harassment of the Media.
  • Five Hot Stories for Her五个热门故事:收录了5个短电影:专门为女xing和伴侣。Erika提出了五种现代城市,辛辣和色情故事具有自然、真实xing。在M的一名足球运动员的妻子阴谋背叛自己的一个精巧的和制造xing的报复。一些关于NADIA隔行三名妇女的故事体现祂们无法操纵的愿望奇异而迷人的纳迪亚。 结婚生子介绍弗兰克和丽塔已结婚八年来,有两个年…
  • Foryears,Martinhasbeenworkingonhisgreatplayaboutcloudcastles,flyingpiratesandafeistyprincess.HissecretrolemodelfortheleadingcharacterishisgoodfriendIsabel,acheekyyoungwomanwhoiswagingwarongeneticallymodifiedseedsaroundtheworld.AndsheisleavingtomorrowtogotothemiddleofAfricaforthenextthreeyears.Lowandbehold,Martin...
  • 代课老师不是人HD
    在距地球数百万光年的某星球上,这里的高级生命体彼此间似乎只有仇恨和战争,随着战火蔓延和死亡的增加,他们终于走向灭亡边缘。为了拯救本民族,这些外星人派出使者前往地球,向人类学习他们所不曾拥有的情感——爱。   使者来到地球,进入乌拉(Paprika Steen 饰)的身体,并以代课老师的身份进入一所小学的六年B班任教。乌拉强势的风格和无…
  • 阻止HD
      Quién lo impide is a call to change our perception of adolescents and youths; our idea of those born in the early 21st century who have recently reached adulthood; those who now seem guilty of everything as they themselves see their hop…
  • Central Park is a unique, genre bending thriller/horror film that spans one night in the worlds' most famous park. Six best friends, high school students, prepare for a night of fun. School is boring, family life unbearable, and Harold and his friends have turned Central Park into their 'spot'. …