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  • 月披岛
  • 这部电影改编自美国著名的橄榄球好手厄尼·戴维斯的生平,他是第一位获得美国大学橄榄球联盟最高奖项海斯曼奖(Heisman Trophy,相当于最有价值球员)的非裔美国人。他在1960和1961年带领锡拉丘兹大学橄榄球队两次获得全国冠军。但他毕业后,未能参加职业橄榄球比赛,因为他被诊断出患有白血病,第二年他就遗憾地告别了人世。这部电影改编自美国…
  • based on the urban myth that you can breathe in evil spirits when passing cemeteries, #HOLDYOURBREATH follows seven friends embarking on a weekend camping trip who pass a run-down cemetery and find themselves arguing about the legitimacy of the urban myth. When one friend refuses to hold his breath while passing by, he…
  • 《无情的战线》讲的是四个故事。从1934年夏到1946年。 About the desperate resistance of a brave few antifascist men and women, against overwhelming odds, in the early 30's, fighting the Hitler regime. The action takes the viewer deep inside the thirdrei…