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  • 威尼斯的阿历克斯HD
  • 浪漫主义者HD
    在大学期间,莱拉(安娜·帕奎因 Anna Paquin 饰)和劳拉(凯蒂·霍尔姆斯 Katie Holmes 饰)是一对无话不谈的好友兼室友,而如今,劳拉即将和大学同学汤姆(乔什·杜哈明 Josh Duhamel 饰)踏入婚姻的殿堂,身为死党的莱拉怎能不出手相助?于是,伴娘这一光荣的身份便降临到了莱拉的肩膀上。  可是对于连男友都没有的莱拉来说,目前的处境让…
  • Season one follows BEE, a jaded girl who plays a self-destructive game of hooking up with as many straight girls as possible, much to the disapproval of her best friend and roommate, OLIVIA--whose enemy #1 is the cooler than cool EDISON from down the hall. Bee's newest target is the fairytale romance-loving DYLAN. Bee …
  • 侦探小说家Richard Castle(内森·菲利安 Nathan Fillion 饰)几乎成了纽约市警察局的“固定员工”,虽然让Kate Beckett(斯坦娜·卡蒂克 Stana Katic 饰)颇感头疼,但两人合做默契,快成为正式搭档。但由于Richard在Kate不知情的情况下调查了她母亲的谋杀案,导致两人的关系一度陷入僵局。  。如今Richard一边忙灭修补他和Kate之…
  • Season one follows BEE, a jaded girl who plays a self-destructive game of hooking up with as many straight girls as possible, much to the disapproval of her best friend and roommate, OLIVIA--whose enemy #1 is the cooler than cool EDISON from down the hall. Bee's newest target is the fairytale romance-loving DYLAN. Bee …
  • Lifetime预订Global的六集安乐死题材的剧集《Mary Kills People》,Caroline Dhavernas担任主演。本剧由Tara meijubar.net Armstrong创作并参与联合制作,讲述了白天担任急诊室医生的单身母亲Mary Harris(Dhavernas 饰),在晚上她兼职成为地下“死亡天使”,帮助重病症末期的病人依照他们的意愿结束他们的生命。长久以来Mary已经能够做到…
  • After a brief fling, Rita (spiritually minded 24 year old who identifies as a lesbian that works as a mental health worker) and Adam (25 year old flamboyant, straight career obsessed filmmaker) decide that they are better off as friends than romantic partners. This realization changes drastically when a week later they…
  • 《邪恶力量》(Supernatural)由美国WB电视台制作,讲述灵异超自然现象大多来自于美国的都市传说和民间传说。  上一季中,虽然黄眼魔鬼被消灭,但是地狱之门大开,数以百计的魔鬼涌入人间,黑暗将笼罩这个世界,Sam(贾德·帕达里克 Jared Padalecki 饰)和Dean(简森·阿克斯 Jensen Ackles 饰)将面临前所未有的艰巨使命。与此同时,他们…
  • Episode 401 : Sidney Chambers attends a talk by the Reverend Nathaniel Todd, a key part of the Civil Rights movement in America. During the event, protestors disrupt Todd's speech and release fireworks, causing the audience to panic and leading to a crush as dozens of people try to escape through a locked door. In the …
  • 在合同杀人中绊倒了一段职业生涯后,不称职的弗兰和杰米(苏·帕金斯和梅尔·吉德罗伊克)不是你典型的杀手f或雇佣。工作出他们的破烂的面包车,每集跟随倒霉的二人,因为他们试图进行他们的最新打击,不可避免地脱轨的无能,争吵,和无能的滑稽。随着每次打击南下,我们的(反)英雄被扔进一个又一个奇异的不幸,每个都充满了古怪的人物和意想…