搜索 Qui

  • 死亡仓库2HD
    Three  years after having survived the events of the first film, Michelle (Lexi Dripps) is now in college. However, she is still plagued with the questions of what truly happened after what she believes was only a ritualistic attack that killed all her friends.  With the ban on Halloween lifted in her hometown, th…
  • 该片讲述了单身母亲黛比在丈夫去世后和她的两个女儿乔茜和比莉试图把生活重新拼凑起来的故事。
  • 弗里蒙特HD
  • 势在必胜HD
    Diego is the victim of a hit and run. His family is unable to pay for the surgeries needed to keep him alive. Pablo, Diego's brother, forms a soccer team and enters a tournament to win the prize money and save his brother's life.
  • 该剧讲述了一对经济拮据的夫妇Gemma (Thalissa Teixeira饰)和Kieran (Gary Carr饰)决定将他们的小公寓开放给第三个住户的故事。令人惊讶的是,新居民Ray (Ariane Labed饰)似乎让这对夫妇的生活变得更容易了。她让公寓感觉更大,而不是更小,多出来的一双手让生活更轻松。但他们很快就开始了一段多角恋关系,每个居民都发现自己学会了用一种全新…
  • 地球上最后一个男孩HD
  • 现年34岁的稻叶十吉(相叶雅纪饰)是一家大型食品公司的职员,他的人生充满光明。在公司,稻叶凭借出色的口才说服众多客户,备受上司器重;生活中,他拥有美丽贤惠的妻子美沙子,夫妻二人住在一幢舒适豪华的郊区别墅中。但在3月24日这天,稻叶的人生发生巨大的转变。为了处理下属的烂摊子,稻叶和客户老板喝得酩酊大醉,随后趁夜驱车回家,却无…
  • 交换过圣诞HD
    à la veille de No?l, Greg, un policier solitaire et taciturne, n’hésite pas à abandonner sa fille pour partir en mission. Pour lui donner une le?on, le Père No?l décide d’exaucer le souhait de sa fille : que son père ressemble à Richard …
  • 一群警察用特殊手段追捕一名罪犯,以防止马赛陷入血腥屠杀。
  • 白银和梦想之书HD
    17-year-old Liv has just moved to London with her mother Ann and little sister Mia, where she meets the mysterious Henry, who has an extraordinary ability. Namely, he possesses the ability of lucid dreaming. But this kind of adventuring and playing with dreams can become very dangerous. An exciting and engaging youth a…