搜索 Ally

  • 爪哇火线HD
    一个神秘的美国团队在一名穆斯林警 察帮助下追查一名危险的国际珠宝窃贼,这名窃贼绑架了苏丹的女儿意图盗取皇室的宝藏。影片取景广泛,片中我们可以欣赏到古代的宫殿、清真寺、庙宇、地下迷宫和金字塔等异国风情,当然还有一个惊天阴谋正在酝酿。
  • 这是南瓜大王哦! 查理·布朗!HD
  • 查理布朗的圣诞节HD
    When Charlie Brown complains about the overwhelming materialism that he sees amongst everyone during the Christmas season, Lucy suggests that he become director of the school Christmas paegent. Charlie Brown accepts, but it proves to be a frustrating struggle. When an attempt to restore the proper spirit with a forlorn…
  • 单口喜剧演员梅·马丁不仅要应对戒毒问题,还要经营与新女友的热恋关系,而女友以前是个异性恋。
  • 前爱国者BD
    CIA analyst Riley Quinn lost everything when she blew the whistle on the US government. Hunted into exile, she escaped to Colombia. Two years later, Riley is living a loner lifestyle when suddenly CIA Agent Bill Donovan shows up with an offer. Her name will be cleared if she helps an international task force confiscate…
  • 克里姆特与席勒:灵欲之间HD
    1918. As the roar of the First World War cannons is dying out, in Vienna, the heart of Central Europe, a golden age comes to an end. This Exhibition On Screen delves into the turn-of-the-century Vienna artworld and includes tours through exhibitions of Klimt and Schiele’s works. Today the masterpieces of these two arti…
  • 一览无遗HD
  • CNN六集纪录片,主持人Christiane Amanpour走访六个不同国家的城市,从柏林到贝鲁特,新德里,东京,上海到加纳首都阿克拉,以图探寻了解这些城市的女性对于性、爱以及婚姻的态度与私生活现状。
  • Them From That Thing is a sketch show featuring a host of Channel 4 comedy stars. The series features Blake Harrison (The Inbetweeners), Kayvan Novak (Facejacker), Sally Phillips (Smack The Pony) and Morgana Robinson (Very Important People) alongside with a host of famous faces from the world of drama. Set in the moder…
  • 善良淳朴的农家姑娘苔丝(杰玛•阿特登 Gemma Arterton 饰),为了改变家人窘迫不堪的生活,在家人的劝说下去攀附有钱的亲戚德伯家族。被心性险恶的“堂哥”少爷亚历克(汉斯•麦瑟逊 Hans Matheson 饰)在密林里奸污怀孕。怀有身孕的苔丝回到父母的身边,生下的小孩却在不久后夭折,失去贞洁的苔丝在周围人的嘲笑和议论中艰难度日,心灵和肉体…