搜索 Révy

  • 快停下,泽米莉亚HD
    影片围绕玛莎、伊安娜和塞尼亚这三个学生在高中的最后一年展开,处于青春期的她们都有着各自的烦恼,关于自我认知,关于欲望。16岁的玛莎内向敏感,对同班的萨莎抱有朦胧的好感,这也使得她更容易因为萨莎的冷漠和被动感到受伤。夜幕降临,当玛莎在房间里独舞,我们感觉到的是关于年轻人的 毫不做作的真实——凯特琳娜·戈诺斯泰在这部长片处女…
  • 希特勒完蛋了HD
    故事发生在二战时期的柏林,不过与人们通常的印象不同,电脑、网络、迪厅、摇滚乐、液晶电视充斥其中,德国军人摘下古板的面具,转而纵情声色,甚至连希特勒(Mikhail Krylov 饰)都变成一个脱线搞笑的小丑。 化名舒拉伯格的亚历山大•阿谢奇金(Pavel Derevyanko 饰)是一名成功打入纳粹党卫军情报部门的苏联间谍。他夜晚住在柏林郊区的豪华公…
  • yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f>Lucia and Ophelia would never have been friends, but they were sisters. It's Lucia's wedding day. She will marry Juan, her partner for four years. Carmen, the optimistic and denying mother, decides to invite her other daughter Ophelia to the wedding of her first-born, wanting to put an end…
  • yle=color: rgb(51, 51, 51); f>Murphy is an American cinema school student, living in Paris. He had a French girlfriend, called Electra, whom he dated for two years. One day, they met and had a no-strings-attached threesome with another woman, a young blonde Danish teenager named Omi, as a way to add some excitement to …