搜索 Romo

  • 爱在时时刻刻HD
  • 洛克海特的遗物HD
  • The plot centers on a couple: Lena is a talented obstetrician and gynecologist, and her husband Sergey is an actor in a provincial theater. Their relationship is tender and close, but totally devoid of sex. Lena suspects that Sergey is having an affair, but she suffers silently without letting her jealousy show. Instea…
  • Chico one of the remaining members of The Magnificent Seven now lives in the town that they (The Seven) helped. One day someone es and takes most of the men prisoner. His wife seeks out Chris, the leader of The Seven for help. Chris also meets Vin an</p>
  • 故事发生在1989年的墨西哥,32位来自全国各地的女孩来到一座神秘的庄园,为赢得“墨西哥小姐”选美比赛而努力训练。她们不仅需要赢得桂冠,更重要的是能活着结束比赛。
  •   故事发生在1989年的墨西哥,32位来自全国各地的女孩来到一座神秘的庄园,为赢得“墨西哥小姐”选美比赛而努力训练。她们不仅需要赢得桂冠,更重要的是能活着结束比赛。
  •   十八世纪四十年代,墨西哥陷入一片混乱。叛党和革命者控制了山区,而中央政府正企图重新夺回政权,邻邦美国伺机侵入。当爱尔兰因为猩红热疾病而失去了一半的人口时,一场不同寻常的跨越大西洋的战争爆发了。两百万爱尔兰怀着绝望的心情,伤痕累累地乘船驶向美国。由于美国军队承诺爱尔兰人加入其军队就可以拥有合法的公民身份。至此,诱惑了…
  • 紫雨HD
    自恋敏感又才华横溢的歌手王子(Prince 饰)在享誉盛名的“第一街”舞台上光彩照人,然而最近他的事业出现了停滞:竞争对手“时代”乐队咄咄逼人;家暴的父亲令家中的气氛凝固;他的乐队也出现了不团结;而第一街经理莫里斯对王子的表现日益不满,考虑为这个送出了众多明星的舞台寻找更有魅力的歌手。追寻音乐梦想的少女罗尼亚(Apollonia…
  • 捧剑者HD
  • 这不是柏林HD
    Seventeen-year-old Carlos doesn't fit in anywhere, not in his family nor with the friends he has chosen in school. But everything changes when he is invited to a mythical nightclub where he discovers the underground nightlife scene: punk, sexual liberty and drugs.