搜索 Cordero

  • 浩瀚的神州大地上,执掌天地法则的神灵老逝,失去了法则约束,黑暗之力蠢蠢欲动,企图颠覆整片大地。 宁辰是沧澜王府内一名普通的护卫,因意外获得吞灵之力而修为大增,原本,他可以就此平步青云,然而,危机却接踵而至,先是王府亲信接连背叛,后有帝国要员倒戈相向。 面对重重困境,宁辰秉承着能力有多大责任就有多大的做事原则,勇挑大梁,和…
  • 克林HD
  • 同等标准BD
  • 春色燃烬DVD
    BLAZE YOU OUT focuses on a young woman's journey to find her missing sister in the heart of a brutal underworld controlled by the heroin trade. The story takes place in the beautiful Esperanza Valley in Northern New Mexico, a basin which belies an underling sickness, a sinister insidious spiritual downfall caused by de…
  • It is the year 2105... a young, inexperienced and highly flawed crew embarks on a routine exploratory space mission. Suddenly, their ship, the UMP Cruiser, is drawn through a portal into a different, mysterious universe. With no maps, no contact, and no way back home, Captain Stewart Lipinski, First Officer/Stewart's-O…
  • 本部电影涉及了非法移民及妓女问题。先铺设现象,然后发掘人物内心,最后人性解释一切也容忍一切。似乎把事情说出个道理是这类社会题材的共同目标,但现实大多是一些悬而未决有长期存在的问题,盲目乐观或急于下结论都是不够明智的。公主的平衡能力很差,公主不能远离自己的王国,否则她会悲伤而死。  
  • FamedrockandrollguitaristJohnnyThundersarrivesinNewOrleanstogethislifetogetherafteratollofhardships,butinsteadfallsintoadarkjourneyandtrailofeventsthatarebasedonhisreallifeunexplainedmysteriousdeath.
  • 暴徒小镇HD
  • 夺魂惧HD
    A young woman wakes up in a seemingly evacuated hospital with a hurricane approaching and realizes the storm has awakened malevolent forces. It has caused her to be trapped in a time loop, and she must escape the hospital before the storm passes or she will be trapped there forever. 
  • 三天2008DVD
    联合国秘书长宣布一颗巨大的陨星将会在三天后与地球相撞,冲撞后将不会有任何生命生还的希望... 世界淹没在一片绝望、混乱与死寂之中;偏远的拉古那小镇的居民恐慌地听着收音机里传来的这则新闻。 看着陷入歇斯底里的小镇,Ale,一个与母亲一起生活并以零工为生的失意的年轻人,决定将自己关在屋里,在酒精和他最爱的音乐的陪伴下度过这生命中最…